Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 11, 2013 New Moon's Nakshtara: Purva Bhadrapada

On March 11, 2013 at 3:51 p.m. the New Moon takes place in the sidereal degree (Lahiri Ayanamsha) of 27°21' Aquarius. The Nakshatras must be used with sidereal zodiac positions because they are observed against the backdrop of stars. You can still use nakshatras if you work with planets in the tropical zodiac positions. Just be sure you pull the sideral position to have the correct nakshatra.

Purva Bhadrapada at a Glance:

Zodical Degrees: 20:00 Aquarius - 3:20 Pisces
Translation: Early or proceeding (Purva) happy, blessed, fortunate (Bhadra)  feet (pada).
Symbols: front legs of a couch; sword
Fixed Stars: Markeb & Scheat of Pegasus
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling Deity: Aja Ekapada
Guna: sattvic (spiritual harmony) with rajasic undertones (activity)
Purushartha:  artha (goal directed activity)
Disposition: fierce
Gender: Male
Gana: Manusha (human)
Animal: lion
Direction: west
Keynote: sacrifice, spiritual fire
Shakti:  Yajamana (sacrifice, ceremony, worship) Udyamana (elevation); universal perspective from fire of purification

Indications of Purva Bhadrapada:
Purva Bhadrapada is a visionary nakshatra with a focus on the future, especially universal goals that uplift humanity and provide purification. It has an eccentric and mystical quality to it. It is associated with those who march to the beat of their own drum, are good speakers with good business skills who are good at making money, and are opinionated, passionate, and independent. It can bestow either an intelligent, philosophical, and witty nature, or an impulsive, high strung, coercive nature, and often times a combination of both. Careers associated with this nakshatra are Astrologers, priests, ascetics, occultists, researchers, statisticians, and administrative planners.

To fully grasp the depth of a Nakshatra, it is important to understand it's ruling deity.
Aja Ekapada is the one footed goat who represents unborn, transcendent energy; a form of Shiva and the vehicle of Agni (fire) but not the fire itself. In the Vedas he is considered as infinity, a deity without motion or speech, the un-polarized latent creative energy that produces different levels of existence. Aja Ekapada represents the stage of cosmic evolution where the fire energy of creation is still latent, but the area of creation is defined. Yet the outward impulse of motion toward creation itself is still.

The New Moon in Purva Bhadrapada
With the seed moment of this lunar month sewn in Purva Bhadrapada it is a good month to sacrifice anything that is getting in the way of your goals or yourself in general. This can be an actual thing or a false belief. It is also a good month to start or return to your spiritual practice, to do rituals, worship or pujas that help you to get rid of lower selfish qualities of your nature and reach toward your higher nature. It is also about the creative vision, a vision that reaches beyond you and out to humanity. It is about embracing the stillness and discovering your latent creative potential. You are probably aware of what you are being pulled or called to create. How to do it in your own unique way that brings out the highest good is what is to be discovered this month.

In addition to Purva Bhadrapada having connections with the spiritual fire (both literally and metaphorically) and universal goals, there are Moon Yogas in the New Moon chart that exemplify this theme as well. Both Mars & Uranus are in the 2nd house from the New Moon creating a Sunapha Yoga of acquisition. Planets 2nd from the moon indicate the manner in which things are acquired. Mars & Uranus are in Pisces in the sidereal zodiac which can translate to spiritual fire or warrior & spiritual awakening or compassionate humanitarian. This gives added oomph to the meaning already inherent in Purva Bhadrapada alone.  Obviously if these planets are second from the New Moon, they are also second from the Sun. This creates a Vesi Yoga which indicates energies we need to learn to use.

Both Mars & Uranus are in sidereal Pisces in the Nakshatra Uttara Bhadrapada (latter or posterior, happy, blessed, fortunate feet).  Together these nakshatras are the scorching or burning pair.   Ahir Budhyna is the ruling diety of Uttara Bhadrapada. He is the dragon of the deep sea related to Ahir Vritra the dragon of primordial ignorance, concealed in primitive darkness. Together both Bhadrapada nakshatras represent dual principals of darkness and light that are in eternal conflict. Both ruling deities are aspects of Shiva. Uttara Bhadrapada merges itself with the great deep that is the source of all creative energy, the impulse of passivity from which creation emerges. Dragon is also associated with wisdom and the comprehension of concealed knowledge. As the second half of the cot, it represents stability & poise in preparation for the end of attachments to bring the soul toward liberation and the divine plan. It’s the dissolution of physical attachments reabsorbed in the spiritual cause.

Where the New Moon calls us to set an intention this month to embark on a spiritual journey to discover our inner stillness, latent creativity and reach toward our higher nature with humanitarian vision, the Sunapha & Vesi Yogas that Mars & Uranus form with the New Moon give us this spiritual warrior awakener quality to delve into the depths of our being and gain a deeper wisdom. Through this deeper wisdom we can see through the illusion of our attachments and shed light on where we need to cultivate spiritual awareness. 

Additionally Jupiter is 4th from the New Moon creating a Gaja Kesari Yoga (elephant lion). This yoga is about great presence. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Purva Bhadrapada, the New Moon’s nakshatra.  Jupiter is in sidereal Taurus in the Nakshatra Rohini which is ruled by the Moon. The Moon and Jupiter are in each other’s Nakshtaras. This is a form of Parivrtana Yoga (mutual reception) because the Nakshatra Lords are exchanging. Rohini is the star of ascent and is about growth. This month cultivating great spiritual presence can bring a tremendous amount of personal growth.

This month set an intention to devote a few minutes each day to a meditation practice where you can connect with your inner spiritual energy.  If you already do this, keep it up. If you don’t know how to begin a meditation practice or if you have trouble sticking to it, it is quite synchronous that Deepak Chopra is starting another of his “21 Day Meditation Challenges” on March 11th.  I’ve done these in the past and I’ve signed up to do it again. It’s FREE!  Check it out here and decide for yourself if you want to try it.

Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Observe Comet 2011 L4 PANSTARRS. March 8 & March 12 – 24, 2013

Sky watching has been one of my favorite past times since I was a small child. I love observing planets in the night sky, and watching them move along the ecliptic through the zodical constellations. Afterall, astrology was originally observational and only recently became something to view on the computer. Not that I don't love both my Western & Vedic astrology software and greatly appreciate the brilliant minds that created Sirius & Kala, but I love connecting with the night sky even more - whether I break out my telescope or not, which I have not done in this cold weather. I'm getting anxious for warm clear nights!  Anyway.....

Over the next few weeks we have the opportunity to observe a recently discovered comet in the evening sky.  Later in the fall we will have another opportunity to observe another comet. Considering this opportunity only comes around on average of every 7 years or so, it's pretty cool that we get two this year!  One of them may be visible tonight if you have a clear view of the western horizon, if not viewing gets better between March 12 - 24.
2011 L4 PANSTARRS is the comet to watch for over the next few weeks. It was discovered in June of 2011 by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System that sits on Mt. Haleakala in Hawaii.  It has been recently observable in the southern hemisphere and is now becoming visible in the northern hemisphere.
According to NASA we might be able to observe this comet tonight on March 8th by looking west until about 15 minutes after twilight IF we have a totally unobstructed view of the western horizon.
If you don’t, you can observe PANSTARRS between March 12th – 24th low along the western horizon during and a bit after twilight. You really do want to go to a place where you can get a good view of the western horizon because this comet will not be very high in the sky. Also the window of viewing opportunity is very short and the comet is not very bright. Grab your binoculars if you have trouble finding it with your naked eye. Once you locate it through binoculars, you’ll most likely be able to see it through the twilight because you’ll know exactly where to look.
The reason we can’t observe it on the 9th – 11th is because PANSTARR reaches perihelion (closest distance to the Sun) on March 10th. It is not a very bright comet so it will be lost to the glow of Sun in close proximity. Comet PANSTARR’s perihelion on March 10th is 28 million miles (45 million km) from the Sun, which is a bit closer to the Sun that Mercury at perihelion. Mercury’s perihelion is approximately 28.5 million miles. 
For more information on PANSTARRS visit NSAS'As website
If you locate the commet, I'd love to hear about it!  Please share your experience below.